Our approach

Property finder - We find your property on Lake Garda

Gardalisa property finder is your trusted consultant specialized in the search for exclusive properties on Lake Garda.

What property finding means for us

If we had to give a poetic definition to a property finder, at Gardalisa we would choose “beauty hunters”. A property finder is in fact a professional who searches (and finds!) an investment property on behalf of the client. Whether it’s a villa, an entire building in need of renovation or a plot to build on, we know how to give shape to your wishes.

In-depth knowledge of the area in which one operates is crucial: a property finder who has personally experienced the place where the client is looking for a property, has the enormous advantage of opening the door to whatever lifestyle the client wants to embrace.

Another key feature of the property finder: quality over quantity. At Gardalisa, we usually work with just a few clients at a time, so that we can devote all the time necessary to a meticulous research and the drafting of a precise business plan. There are no small or large projects, but projects that can be realised in a short or medium-long timeframe: in each case, we want to know all the variables involved and study the strategy that best suits the situation. The formula we prefer is a direct relationship with the client and a cross-analysis of his wishes: panoramic view, strategic location, a more than satisfactory return on investment.

We are unconventional property finders: we manage the properties entrusted to us using a pragmatic and direct approach. We like to choose our clients and we would like to be chosen for the same approach we have towards them: based on the analysis of the request, care of their interests, discretion and exclusivity.

For us, this means being responsible for beauty: not only discovering it, but preserving and protecting it with respect for our clients.

What is the difference with a real estate agent?

At Gardalisa we are different.

We like to say it with a very simple phrase: we are what you need.

If we were a traditional real estate agency, we would not be devoted to searching for and finding the perfect property for the buyer. We would limit ourselves to using the properties already in our database and proposing them to our client, we would not have a constant curiosity in discovering new corners of paradise, hidden gems from uncultivated gardens, strips of land overlooking the lake abandoned by the neglect of time.

As a property finder, we change our perspective and place ourselves entirely at the service of the client from whom we receive an official assignment: a search warrant (with the aim of buying) or an assignment to sell. Those who place their trust in us need a trusted advisor who works exclusively for them and their needs, even those that are out of the ordinary. The key to our success is to find functional and more than satisfactory solutions. Always.

As a property finder we are real estate brokers, but not only that. We offer you a fast track in your search for a property or a buyer: we listen to your requests, share your objectives and enter into a relationship with you. We give you time and attention, provide you with comprehensive support and only evaluate proposals that meet your expectations.

The property finder is your trusted advisor

The property finder is a trusted partner who establishes a relationship of empathy with the client. He invests a great deal of attention in the getting to know phase: only in this way can he understand the client’s needs but, above all, cultivate a privileged relationship with those who place their trust and time in his hands.

The property finder is a trusted advisor chosen to accompany the buyer or seller on a pleasant research trip. With our clients, we share the fundamental values of any property investment: solidity and profitability. This helps us to cement our relationship even more and to fantasize, together, about the future of the property. All of this with an exclusive and personalised treatment that makes them feel at ease, almost as if they have become lifelong friends. This is why Gardalisa defines itself as a property finder that is proudly out of the ordinary – and therefore unique.

We proudly out of the ordinary.
And for this reason, unique.

The advantages of relying on a property finder

Our payoff tells in the best possible way the advantages of choosing a property finder when searching for a house: Gardalisa offers prestigious solutions, namely, an approach focused on finding suitable answers to demanding questions.

Among the advantages of relying on a property finder, there is the privilege of dealing with a single interlocutor, with vertical and specialized skills. In fact, the knowledge of the territory and the direct experience given by seeing and observing hundreds of properties, provide the property finder with a privileged cultural, visual and comparative background, and thanks to this background, with the ability to spot immediately unique business opportunities.

Another central plus for a property finder is the affinity with the client, a common vision of property investment: realising a project with a solid foundation and the ability to guide the client with a realistic approach, we do not have the ambition to please the client or pander to requests in order to gain acclaim. We are professionals, and it is our duty to accompany each of our clients towards their goal, even when this means offering critical insights or creative solutions.

Another considerable advantage is the willingness to invest in innovation and continuous training, and even more so to remain faithful to values such as honesty, respect and trust.

These are the premises that at Gardalisa we put at the base of the work that we do specifically and exclusively for the client. For you.